Hi Bernie. First of all thank you. Thank you for showing me how much my story meant to you. And thank you for sharing it with others.
Your writing here tugs on other heartstrings of mine as well. My partner and I are currently in Africa, and have been since the beginning of the pandemic. We choose not to return to Canada as we felt that, in reality, we are safer in Africa from the virus, but we also are not fans of the North American way of life anymore after seeing so many other ways to live around the world.
The catch is that my parents are in Canada and in their 70’s. In recent years, my mom specifically has been having health problems. And while I like to think she will over come them, I also wonder, ‘what if she doesn’t?’
How would I feel if she passed away while I was so far away, leaving my dad to cope on his own until I can return. I am an only child, so there is also that added pressure.
They have not asked me to return, and, in fact, selflessly continue to encourage me to keep travelling. They both have lived big lives and have travelled a lot, so I know they understand my wanderlust. But there are moments where I am overcome with undeniable guilt for seemingly choosing this over them.
These are such complicated times these days and nothing seems to be easy. I know, without a doubt, that there is no life for me in Canada. And I feel that returning won’t make any difference to the outcome. But it’s still hard and I know that in simpler times, these decisions wouldn’t be so fraught with challenges and difficulties.
Anyways, I hope that your dad is okay and that you are able to see him in July. Best wishes and big love to you:). Thanks again for your writing. xo