My dad is almost 80 and my mom is 76. My dad's dad lived until he was 94. He walked every day, only drank one small sip of scotch each day, and smoked his pipe twice per day. My dad drinks until drunk every night, and does no exercise. He walks with a walker and is in terrible physical shape. He will get nowhere close to 94, I'm positive.
My mom's mom lived to 96. She barely drank at all, and took part in stretching and exercising at her seniors home until the very end. My mom also drinks a fair amount of alcohol and hasn't exercised in decades. She also walks with a walker and suffers with various health ailments on rotation. She also will not make it to 96.
Exercise, eating healthy and drinking alcohol marginally play a huge roll in our longevity, I have seen it with my own eyes. I have learned many lessons from my parents and I hope to stay healthy into my nineties like my grandparents did because of it.