Technically, I guess, my partner and I are digital nomads. We travel and make money online. But we don’t go to Digital Nomad hotspots and we don’t subscribe to the 9-5 timetable. We work for a couple hours in the morning, spend most of our days outside, then work again for a couple hours in the evening. We don’t work at things we don’t like, we only work on what we are passionate about. It’s taken seven years to find a happy balance. We also have just started (the last two years) returning to Canada to make some solid money and visit friends and family, while still remaining nomadic. So when we head off into the world, we aren’t 100% reliant on our digital income and we have money in the bank. That has made a big difference in our mental health. Plus, we have each other which makes all the difference with problems like loneliness. Thus lifestyle certainly isn’t for everyone. And it takes time to figure it out.